Inteligencia Artificial en las Relaciones Públicas: Transformando la Estrategia y Potenciando Resultados
En los últimos años, la inteligencia artificial (IA) ha dejado de ser un concepto futurista para convertirse en una herramienta clave en diversas industrias, y las relaciones públicas (PR) no son la excepción.
Top tips for becoming an expert in using AI
Public Relations is a space full of evolution and constant innovations that come to change the world
5 keys to successful multidisciplinary work
To be successful, PR experts should be able to think critically and creatively, as well as being able to draw on a wide variety of disciplines.
Alpha or Beta?: Do’s and don’ts to become an opinion leader in your industry
In a globalized world, brands must find innovative ways to stand out and attract their consumers’ attention.